Hi Dojo,
Every now and then I'm bumping into the error in subject and elements get corrupted on the local DB of the DMA - the workaround identified is to recreate the element, however this causes loss of history & trending data - it seems to happen for SL or 3rd party protocols indifferently - some quick googling for the error code returns this "filter is not running" message - any hints please?
It doesn't seem to be a "general" DB failure as other elements on the same local DB keep running fine - it's rather an element corruption.
Currently running
Any steer will be helpful.

Hi Alberto,
You can in general check if the DMA has any connectivity issues to its database, or if the database process has high memory usage or struggles with weekly processes such as compaction or if there are tombstones that are not being cleared by compaction processes. You can contact techsupport for further assistance.

Thanks, Arunkrishna – that’s a good lead too – indeed compaction is something that was recently improved on a few servers, so maybe some DMAs need that too – will check with our squads.
Hi Alberto,
This is not a complete answer, but just some extra info...
All error codes starting with 0x8004... are DataMiner specific error codes. The 'filter is not running' error you found on the internet is the same error code, but for a different application, and therefore not applicable to DataMiner.
The explanation we show in the error, being 'General database failure', should be the correct one here in the context of DataMiner. So, I would still think this is a genuine database problem/corruption/failure. Maybe it's not for the complete database as other elements still run fine, but it might be for the part relevant for these elements.
Maybe you can find more details or clues in the log file of the element or in database log files?

Thanks for the lead, Ben – appreciated
I had overlooked the “0x8004…”, my bad – we’ve logged this with our squads,
I can share more info once we know more from the logs.
Ref the DB, from the effects observed, the “general” failure seems just within the context of the specific element: by using the same protocol(s) we can simply use the “duplicate element” function to activate a new element with the required KPIs.

FYI that was Bert Alberto, not Ben 😉

LoL – my bad again, Ben – even if there was a “tagging” option,
yesterday I would have failed to give credit to the right “B.V.” (Bert in this case).
Thanks for keeping an eye on me ^^
Hi Alberto,
Have you been able to solve the issue with these answers? If so, could you select the best answer, so we can close this question?