We have a DMS with 4 failover pairs, one Elasticsearch node and SRM installed.
Can you please guide us what's the best configuration in a cluster environment?
- What criteria should we follow to choose which DMA will host SRM solution elements?
- What criteria should we follow to choose which DMA will store the reservations data (Booking Manager Config > Wizard tab)?
The reason I'm asking for this is because recently we had booking creation failing due to this exception:
System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Exceptions.DataMinerException: There is currently no known connection with cookie E0E8BDFA8F634795AE36922CB157C1EC.
After some quick investigation, we found this was related to some inter-agent communication. After a reboot in the DMA hosting SRM, this error ceased.
Maybe a bit late to respond on this question, but it can be useful in case someone looks up this question.
SRM requires ElasticSearch. One single node is a risk since it's a single point of failure. Better to have an ElasticSearch cluster of minimum 3 nodes instead, especially since you mention there are multiple DMAs in the DMS.
All DMAs in the DMS should be aware of the ElasticSearch cluster and able to reach it.
It's not a bad idea to look at the load of the DMAs to decide on which DMA to host the SRM elements.
A good and stable connection between the DMAs is a requirement, no matter if it's for an SRM project or not.

The setting you mention can hold multiple DMA IDs ‘;’ seperated.
I believe these are also the DMAs where the DataMiner services will be generated.
So just make sure that there is capacity enough on these DMAs, that they are not already at their limit.
Thank you for your feedback.
But my question is more about the SRM settings itself: Where to host the SRM elements? What SRM settings are preferred (Booking Manager > CONFIG > WIZARD: DMA IDs to Store Reservations)