Hi Dojo
I've connected my DMA to the cloud and everything seems to work fine except accessing my DataMiner through the ".on.dataminer.services" Url from the admin panel.
We use a SAML login, that seems to be causing the problem. I get an error stating that the assertion consumer service was not found.
The help pages state that this should be provided in the spMetadata.xml. However, this contains the url of the internal url.
I've added the same items to the xml again but for the *.on.dataminer.services equivalent. But I can't seem to login at all anymore afterwards.
Is there anything else I can do to get the login working for both onprem and remote accessing my dma?
Thanks in advance
Kind regards
*** EDIT
After giving it some time (a couple of minutes) after the restart, I seem to be able to log into cube and the web portal again using my local IP.
However, using the "*.on.dataminer.services" url I get the AADSTS50011 error. But with the internal url rather than the "*.on.dataminer.services" url.

Hi Bert
The exact url was not listed in the spMetadata.xml file.
I added them, but I couldn’t login at all anymore afterwards, not through the webUI, or through cube.

What error did you receive when you could not login anymore?

Hi Jens, I just had an other try, at first I got a general “Connection failed”, after which it changed to timeout. A gave it some time and tried again on my personal device (rather than directly on the server) and suddenly both worked.
I’m now able to login again using cube and through the Web UI.
However, browsing to the .on.dataminer.services url doesn’t work. After I login I get an AADSTS50011 error, however it’s my internal url I get in the error message, not the on.dataminer.services.
Note however, that the spMetadata xml contains the entityID attribute, this contains my internal url. where the external urls are also added beneath. This is probably what’s causing my AADSTS50011 error. However I guess if I change the attribute value, it’s going to break my on-prem login?

This is probably an issue with the Remote Accessing and how it is handling the login for a SAML setup. We will look into this.
Hi Ben,
can you confirm that the issue is resolved with the latest package?
Can you confirm that the exact URL in the error message “Assertion consumer service http://…/ was not found” is listed in the spMetaData.xml file (also check http vs https and trailing slash) and that all items have a unique index attribute?