I created a little table to retrieve 2 paramaters and put them in a table (listing below). The parameters are polled with a HTTP request and extracted with a QAction. I first set 2 stand alone parameters and it worked well. But I need to eventually put those in a table to gather the values of several modems. So I try to write the parameters in the QAction but nothing is showing up on the table. Do you have any suggestion? Thank you ....
Table definition:
<Param id="1000" trending="true">
<Name>Remotes Status</Name>
<Description>Remotes Status</Description>
<ArrayOptions index="0">
<ColumnOption idx="0" pid="1001" type="retrieved" value="" options="" />
<ColumnOption idx="1" pid="1002" type="retrieved" value="" options=";save;disableHeaderSum;enableHistogram;enableHeatmap" />
<ColumnOption idx="2" pid="1003" type="retrieved" value="" options=";save;disableHeaderSum;enableHistogram;enableHeatmap" />
<![CDATA[Remotes Status]]>
<Type options="tab=columns:1001|0-1002|1-1003|2,width:200-150-150,sort:INT-INT-INT,lines:3,filter:true">table</Type>
Write command in QAction:
protocol.SetParameterIndexByKey(1000, "1", 2, UEsNo);
protocol.SetParameterIndexByKey(1000, "1", 3, DEsNo);
Hi Dominique,
Is it possible that your table is completely empty? No primary keys defined?
In that case it's normal that method SetParameterIndexByKey doesn't work.
Can you adapt your code and make use of AddRow, SetRow or FillArray in case you want to set multiple values at once?

Hi Jens, Michiel,
I used the “AddRow() function and so far it works find. Thank you for the answer and the docs
In case you have multiple rows you want to add or update, you can make use of the FillArray or FillArrayNoDelete.