Hi All
I can not connect to DataMiner Agent after I replace the old license file with the update one.

Can you check if there are any errors in the SLDataMiner.txt log file (c:skyline dataminerlogging)?

Yes Ive Herreman, there is error shown ” Start DataMiner failed with the MAC address is not licensed”.
Hi Khalid, to efficiently assist you with the issue you are experiencing, would it be possible please to send the latest generated Request.lic file, together with the SLDataMiner.txt log file to our Licensing team (dataminer.licensing@skyline.be)? Both files can be found in the Skyline DataMiner folder. Thank you in advance.
The typical steps to follow for license updates is outlined here ( https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Reference/DataMiner_Licenses/Full_license_for_DMA_to_be_installed_by_user.html )
Can you double check steps (5 -7) were followed including restarting the agent.