cant find option for renaming an alarm template once its created. I can duplicate it and rename the duplicate before saving, but that seem like a workaround.
Best, Martin
Hi Martin - you are correct, and the work around that you identified is indeed probably the quickest way to accomplish the same outcome.
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You can go to C:\Skyline DataMiner\Protocols\<Protocol_Name>\<Protocol_Version> and locate the alarm/trend template and rename it carefully. After that, you need to do a DataMiner restart. I believe this should change the name of the alarm/trend template.

Indeed, duplicating is easier. You can suggest this as a feature as Ben mentioned.

Just note that renaming the template in the file explorer can break links to that template. E.g. if an element is using ‘template A’ and you rename that file to ‘template B’, this element won’t start up anymore and go into an error state because it will still link to ‘template A’ which doesn’t exist anymore… So be careful with renaming files in the file system!
Just by curiosity, Was there a technical reason why the name of the alarm templates are read only in cube?
Thanks. So there is no option in Cube to do that? This is even bigger overkill than duplicating the template.