I am adding page separators within my Enhanced Service Pages order. However, it seems that Cube fails to render those separators into real separators. What would the reason be and how I can fix this?
Cube will create a separator if the page name start with 3 or more dashes, for example <Display pageOrder="Alarms;----------;General" />
Is it possible that one of the parameters is positioned on a page with this name? For example:

I can confirm that there are not any parameters that use these separators pages.
Hi Bert,
I was able to reproduce the same behavior reported by Saddam (tested in It seems that this behavior only occurs with service protocols
Page separator appears as --------- on Services. Although on Elements it's _______ . This is Dataminer layout and need to be addressed at software level.
Note: the Dojo formatting in my reply above has replaced the first 9 normal dashes (-) with 3 em-dashes (—).