Good Afternoon,
We want to know if the web version of Dataminer cube version is compatible with Microsoft Edge.
Hi Javier,
On DataMiner 10.0.9 release notes you can find an explanation on how to use Microsoft Edge in compatibility mode to run DataMiner Cube. Make sure you only do this for the exact URLs of DataMiner Cube, as other DataMiner apps will not function optimally in IE compatibility mode. DataMiner v10.0.9 Release Notes – DataMiner Dojo
Note the preferred way to use DataMiner Cube is using the standalone desktop application.
However, since the version you mentioned is a Main Release, you won't be able to use this feature (unless you upgrade to a feature release).

Note that the Cube desktop application is also available on older versions as well. You can find it as a download on each DMA on the URL: https://[dma]/tools.
And there is now also a more convenient way to do this. If you navigate to, you will find the newest Cube desktop application on the upper right hand side. This version has a start window, allowing you to enter different DataMiner Systems, and this will automatically download the correct version of Cube from your chosen DataMiner System. In other words, this is fully backwards compatible with all supported DataMiner versions. It allows you to run any Cube version next to each other and provide you with a nice start window to connect easily to different DataMiner Systems you might have.
Good Afternoon Bruno,
Thanks for the infomation.