I have a problem with a corrupted MySQL database. There was a disk crash. Whenever slenumvalues table is accessed, the MySQL service crashes. I've tried dropping the table, with the intention to create it again, but the service crashes. I've replaced the .frm and .ibd files with the ones from another DMA, but the crash result is the same.
-When removing the .frm and .idb files, I can't create the table and I get the message that the table already exists. When I want to drop the table then I get the message that the table can't be dropped because it doesn't exist.
Hence my question:
-What happens if the DMA starts up without slenumvalues present? What are the consequences?
-If the table would be crucial, would anyone know how to get out of such a situation? I tried mysqlcheck to repair the table, I also tried the repair command on the table and the flush tables command
Laurens, SLEnumValues is one of the least important tables in DataMiner. If you delete the table it will be recreated, but in fact it is obsolete. It gives an explanation to the different values you see in the severity and a few other columns in the alarm and info table.
A copy of the table is also present on the central database. Layout and content can be found here.

We also have a MOP (Method of Procedure) how to recover from a corrupt table, in there we took the example of the slenumvalue:
Small addendum, in a MySQL failover setup this table is polled to see if the database schema is queryable. If failures occure then the failover status window will show the database as failing.