User info
First name | Brent |
Last name | Alleweireldt |
Description | Principal DevOps engineer @Skyline Communications |
Questions asked
Answers given
Hey Jamie, From the error posted from the SLAutomation log it seems that the system complains of insufficient permissions to send the mail. Could you check that the user you are running the script from...
View QuestionHey Jeff, When an element is deleted, 3 items are added in the Recycle Bin <Date> <Date>ElementConnection before delete <element>
View QuestionThe info in the SLDataGateway dump should be enough to link the leak to a certain element or request that is being done. Occasionally it can be useful to look into the memory of the calling process. The...
View QuestionThe refused state means that the dataminer is actively refusing incoming connections. It should clear automatically once the mentioned time has passed. This can happen when the agent is Has had too...
View QuestionHi Jim, For a complete overview of this list you can consult the following article in the Dataminer Help. If the system uses a Central Database or a MySQL local database, then the same information can...
View QuestionTo achieve this you have to use the range query (see: Kibana docs) As example: GET dms-info/_search { “query”: { “range”: { “TimeOfArrival” : { "gt":“2020-06-30T13:19:36Z” } } } }
View QuestionHi Tiago, Cassandra generates hint files when it loses connection between agents in a cluster or a write requests times out, these hint files are then used to quickly bring the nodes back up to speed with...
View QuestionIn general terms the error means that not enough nodes managed to respond to satisfy the threshold for a successful query. In this case only 1 node needed to respond but it did not. This can be due a number...
View QuestionHi, When using CassandraCluster and indexing database is required.It is not possible to configure the database without one as both DataBases holds unique sets of data that are not duplicated in the other...
View QuestionHey Javier, SL_LogCollector is a support tool only needed when you try and collect dumps or logging to debug an issue on the system. The only reason to run it in the background like that would be to capture...
View QuestionFor real time trending it is indeed the case that when a value changes it gets written to the database. For average trending a point is written to the database when: During the window a value change happened...
View QuestionHi Jamie, A similar case has been done before, utilizing the LoggerTable functionality and Elastic-database. The protocol would collect the data and push it straight to the Loggertable when available...
View QuestionLet's tackle each error separately: "Query replication_state failed:…”: is the result of failure on "SELECT id, grp, query FROM replication_state ORDER BY id ASC limit 100". This can be due to a timeout...
View QuestionHey Joachim, TTL for loggertables in elastic does not operate on the SL_Internal_Timefield. Elastic does not have a way to define TTL on the record level. So to facilitate this we use the index. Notice...
View QuestionHey Bruno, Requirements set by cassandra recommend to avoid shared storage such as SAN for performance reasons. It is better to give each server their own disks.
View QuestionHey Jose, Providing a complete solution based on just this snippet of logging will be difficult. It seems that several processes have difficulty contacting the SLDataGateway service. There could be several...
View QuestionHi João Smart baselines are calculated at specific times, for the "continuous degradation" a calculation will happen every 24h. For the "Daily pattern", we do the calculation every 15 minutes. Every...
View QuestionThe data in the screenshot is calculated from information provided via a "DataMinerPerformanceInfoEventMessage". This event gets it data from various sources (SLWatchdog, SLDataminer,SLNet) depending on...
View QuestionError 0x8004028A is an error defined by the DataMiner system itself, not by Microsoft (All errors between 0x80040200 and 0x8004FFFF are defined by DataMiner, an overview can be found Here). This particular...
View QuestionIs it possible? yes. Will it be more efficient? Probably not. Cassandra will still take all the resources it needs to process the SSTables for a certain table, for a smaller table it might be possible...
View QuestionHey Ryan, This is a strange case. To provide some context, the inter-dma communication is done via the SLNet-service. This service runs under the SYSTEM user and thus does not use a windows user like...
View QuestionThe Cassandra docs provide a pretty good answer to this. The replication factor does not need to be equal to the number of nodes. it just needs to guarantee availability. Replication factor of 3-5 per...
View QuestionHi Alberto, These kind of alarms get generated when the DataMiner system loses contact with the database. To prevent data loss we then go into a failsafe mode where data is stored on disk (C:\Skyline...
View QuestionHey Paulo, The failedTokenRanges contains the ranges where there was an issue in migrating the alarms, effectively the alarms in those ranges have NOT been migrated. This could be due to a temporary loss...
View QuestionHey Jeff, You can ignore these alarms. They state that part of your setup is licensed to do stuff for which the setup is not compatible at the moment. As long as you do not plan to use the mentioned functionality,...
View QuestionHi Jeff, This option dictates whether the following objects are included or not UpgradeActions (Entire folder) DowngradeActions (Entire folder) VersionHistory.txt The VersionHistory is useful...
View QuestionHi Flavio, This error gets thrown when SLXml failed to correctly load a particular XML file. The reason for this could be The file is encrypted and could not be decrypted There is an error in the...
View QuestionHi Miguel, Both rep_pd_states and rep_pd_newalarms are tables primarily used by the SLASPConnection in DataMiner to generate reports. They serve a purpose similar to what the timetrace does in cassandra....
View QuestionHi Jaime, It seems this is caused due an incorrect merge of [ID_29264] into the 9.6-branch To make a long story short, what is supposed to end up in SLErrors.txt is placed on the buffer for SLErrorsInProtocol.txt...
View QuestionIt seems something is going wrong on type 148 (NT_REGISTER_SLA), which gets called when an SLA has changes to the alarms it listens to to calculate its SLA. The target of this call is SLDataMiner which...
View QuestionHi Fernando, Dataminer will indeed internally update the time. So whilst the value stays the same the internal time will be updated. Other routines such as closing a trendwindow might also be triggered...
View QuestionAnother issue with an AV was caused by a failover setup and a central McAfee-setup. This McAfee setup used a central management platform to monitor the health of the DMA-servers based on the ip. In a...
View QuestionHi Hugo, This is not possible to do, the central DB portion of the db.xml is synchronized during the midnight sync. So even a manual edit would get lost. Kind regards,
View QuestionHi Stefan, There are 2 commands that fit this description and both have their use. These commands are: Nodetool flush: flush everything in memory on disk, but cassandra keeps listening for new updates/deletes....
View QuestionThe compatible TLS versions supported by dataminer are dictated by the MySql.Data.dll in the files directory. The version with cu21 is 6.9.12. This version supports TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 for Community editions,...
View QuestionHi Carlos, This is correct and intentional. A remnant from back in the days where systems were backed by a MySQL database the value of real time trend points were stored ad VARCHAR (as both discreet and...
View QuestionHey Bernard, The standalone Elastic tool basically calls the _snapshot API on all the indices that are relevant for DataMiner. Elastic will then proceed to gather the data for the desired indices from...
View QuestionHi Jeff, I had a look at the code and it seems no changes where done between the versions mentioned. The query you posted should occur on both 9.6 and 10.1 so whilst not new it is definitely expected...
View QuestionHey Ciprian, Rest assured, the SLReset tool does not change anything regarding the installed version, no downgrade, or upgradeactions are performed. SLReset only removes the VersionHistory.txt which...
View QuestionHey Blake, Permission issues usually are indicated by the server throwing a DataMinerSecurityException during the call. When the script is run from an element. This exception should end up in the Element...
View QuestionHey Ryan, The number represents the type of the call. So in this case the CM element is trying to do a NotifyDataMiner to with Type 10073. Now type 10073 internally becomes type 73 (NT_GET_PARAMETER)...
View QuestionHi Geovanny, The exception means that visual studio fails to find the SLManagedScripting.dll-file or one of the dll that SLManagedScripting relies on. This can happen when the path used in the reference...
View QuestionHey Samuel, Losing connection with the database can indeed cause collectors to not start up properly as DataMiner will fail to read the necessary data from the database. Losing connection with the cassandra...
View QuestionHey Wale, Part of the inter-process communication (IPC) in DataMiner ends up through pipes, basically 2 processes share some memory through which data can be exchanged. When there is an issue with these...
View QuestionHey Paulo, Negative values are indeed not supported at this moment, to support this some changes would need to be made in the software. So if this is a requirement, you can request this feature to be...
View QuestionHey Javier, From an architectural point of view there should be no issues when restarting the DMA whilst cassandra compaction is running. The cassandra is still able to serve queries and thus the DMA...
View QuestionThis exception gets thrown when a query is launched, but the cassandra fails to resolve the permissions this users has. To do so, cassandra will ping the System_auth table and see what is stored in there....
View QuestionHey Jens, These kind of information events are thrown when an application tries to create an SLNet connection, but fails during the authentication step (checking the credentials). The event will say which...
View QuestionHey Miguel, The "No cookie for ..." is an error thrown by SLAutomation when it fails to find the cookie for a certain procotol. The cookie in this case is an internal reference provided by SLXml to keep...
View QuestionHey Jens, The interesting part of this notice is "the sequence contains no elements". During the HandleElementEventMessage_PreAddToCache we do certain checks only on one DMA, the one with the lowest dma...
View QuestionError 0x80040221 is a DataMiner defined error and means SL_INVALID_DATA. This usually gets thrown when the data sent is either incorrect/incomplete or in an unexpected format. In this case I suspect the...
View QuestionHey Ryan, Alarm_property table gets populated based on the amount of properties that are linked to an element (either directly on the element/service, on the alarm, or as part of the viewtree,...). For...
View QuestionThe dot happens when a double-value happens to be a whole number (example, 8.00), somewhere down the line a string conversion causes these numbers to parsed to 8., omitting the zeros. Removing this should...
View QuestionHi Carlos, The "unsuccessful connection ...." errors you see in the SLDataminer.txt are mostly irrelevant here, they are a consequence of trying to connect to the dataminer whilst it is starting up....
View QuestionHi Miguel, From a quick test it seemed that this behaviour changed between and, in there is a default ApplicationSettings.xml included in the package which was not present before....
View QuestionHi Laurens, Yes, the Temp folder is indeed used during the creation of the backup, temp folder is defined by the environment variables in the following order The TMP environment var The TEMP environment...
View QuestionHi Terry, This functionality was added in DataMiner version 9.6.13/10.0.0. When adding/editing an element you can add a list of IP addressess under the "Accepted IP address" section. The element will...
View QuestionThese fields are not stored in MySQL. They are retrieved at runtime from the information template when an alarm is generated or Requested. SLElement will do this when an alarm is created or an open alarm...
View QuestionHi Ive, When a failover agent goes online, the only operation it does on the NIC level is adding the virtual IP, which is done using windows-level calls. Afterwards an ARP request is sent on the network...
View QuestionStopping the windows SNMP service during an upgrade is an option. You can choose this before you launch the upgrade under the upgrade options. This is done to prevent the service from starting automatically...
View QuestionHi, This notice gets thrown by SLElement when it notices it takes more time to generate the trend data to offload, than the interval it supposed to trigger at. In you case you ask the system to generate...
View QuestionHi Julio, There are several things that can be checked, as client test tool tries and check for various differing versions of the webview component. First and foremost keep in mind that client test tool...
View QuestionHi Hugo, Unfortunately this is not possible. However keep in mind the default timeout for our queries (including the upsert of the offloaded data) has a timeout of 30 minutes, which should be more than...
View QuestionHi Justien, This is possible. Scripts triggered by redundancy groups have some extra script parameters which contains this info (no extra configuration needed). The specific ones you need can be reached...
View QuestionHi Wale, Going by the exception it seems that when the EndpointManager tries to initialize it fails to connect to the NATS network. So the best approach is to focus on there. Troubleshooting – NATS...
View QuestionHey Ciprian, With "the machines are offline" I will assume that you mean that the entire dataminer including SLNet is stopped. First of all, SLReset is a factory reset tool, not a decommission tool....
View QuestionHey Ciprian, The Dataminer Docs has the following to say on this topic. This relates both to syncing in a cluster and syncing to a failover partner.
View QuestionHey Javier, The dropdown you mentioned relates to the type of trendpoint you want to offload. It has no relation or impact on the interval when the data will be actually offloaded. To set the interval...
View QuestionHey Cirpian, The RefreshThread in SLDataGateway is responsible to keep the most recent datapoint for active trended parameters alive in the cassandra database. This is done so that stable parameters which...
View QuestionHey Paulo, This is currently not possible yet. Currently a backup will restore everything that is contained in the package to the dma. Tinkering with the package and restoring a package on an agent that...
View QuestionHey Moazzam, Whilst not straightforward, it is possible to do this with Correlation rule on information events. First of all we need to filter out the correct events in our Correlation rule. This can...
View QuestionHey Christhiam, A comprehensive list of the error message and their meaning can be found Here. Initializing the protocol for ELEMENT_NAME failed. General database failure. (hr = 0x80040226) is probably...
View QuestionHey Arunkrishna, There should be an Upgrade folder present in the case of a full backup, in other cases there is no real way to know on which version the backup was taken I think. You can find this...
View QuestionHey Jack, Thank you for the questions, we will try to answer them to the best of our ability. Before we start with the questions, lets first review the types of documents. DataMiner supports 3 types...
View QuestionHey Jeroen, By default Dataminer will use ConsistencyLevel ONE for both single-node and failover setup. This was chosen to ensure database availability in the event of a hardware failure. This can be...
View QuestionHey Laurens, The thread that handles smart baseline calculations fires every 15 minutes, so for new smart baselines it can take up to 15 minutes before the initial calculation is done (regardless of their...
View QuestionHi Bruno, All trending from an Aggregation rule will be saved under the elementName 'Skyline Generic Aggregator DMA<ID>'. So the easiest way to get this data would be to use the following filter...
View QuestionHi Jeff, It depends on the Database. For MySQL we will indeed periodically check the table and delete all records that are older than the specified time using a DELETE query. For cassandra we use the built...
View QuestionHi Julian, That error gets thrown whenever a Dynamic Table filter can not be resolved to something sensible. In this case it seems that the filter is launched on table 2000 which only contains '(true)'....
View QuestionThe ";" seperator is only partly responsible for identifying the different parts in the filter. Other parts such as the presence of a filterkeyword needs to be present as well. Otherwise it is considered...
View QuestionHi Cristel, The size of logfiles can be increased in System center-> System settings-> logging. kind regards,
View QuestionHi Abel, The IPs in db.xml are used to setup contact with Cassandra, once connection is established a connectionpool is created by the Cassandra driver towards all nodes within the connected datacenter...
View QuestionHey Frederic, The Factory reset tool can be used for this. See for details
View QuestionHi Robin, That action should not be tied to crossing a specific version, the change should happen from 10.3CU4 every time the DMA starts up. The DMA should log the attempt (and issues) in SLDBConnection.txt....
View QuestionHey Filiep, The issue here is caused to to upgrading from a feature version before RN32944, to a main release version containing that RN. RN32944 added a few DLLs in the PreRequisite folder and some changes...
View QuestionHey Jamie, There is little information to give a full answer, but we can give some information that might help investigation. This type of alarm gets thrown when by SLDataMiner when it has to handle...
View QuestionHey Karel, It seems it DataMiner has issues connection to the NATS server. The impact of this is that various modules in dataminer relying on this will fail. Including the SPI-manager (responsible for...
View QuestionHey Luis, The main issue here is probably caused due to a difference in the MySQL settings between the source server and the destination server. Let us go over each question Why wasn’t the complete...
View QuestionHey Ryan, These pop up boxes get thrown based on the DataMinerExtendedStateEvent sent by server to the client. These events contain the info on the state and the reason for the change. The disconnected...
View QuestionHey Edson, Seems like something is keeping part of the upgrade package or SLUpgrade.dll in memory (SLNet logging might be more specific). The only workaround would be to figure out what is keeping the...
View QuestionHey Jeroen, Unfortunately resolution at which RT points are offloaded into the Central DataBase is not possible. Neither from cube nor by tinkering with the files. The smallest supported resolution is...
View QuestionHey Jeroen, Database per agent typically gets used in small setups (2 or so agents) where there is very little data and the data is only relevant to the agent it belongs to. Another reason to use database...
View QuestionHey Edgar, That error gets thrown by MySQL (and logged by us) when the feature that allows inserting data from files is disabled on the MySQL server. DataMiner requires this feature to be enabled as it...
View QuestionHi Alex, The Hosting agent is the ID of the dataminer agent that is currently hosting the element. This can be different than the DMAID of an element (which is the ID of the agent that originally created...
View QuestionHey Luis, That table is used keep the link of an alarm that has had an impact on a service. It is used to populate the "Services" column in the alarm console and to allow filtering on alarms based on...
View QuestionHi Christhiam Aaron, This is a weird error to encounter. The error indicates there is an issue in the communication between the local SLNet and the Local SNMPAgent-process. From an initial glance it looks...
View QuestionHey Jeroen, All the requirements can be found in this article. In the article you will also find a tool that takes care of the data migration for you, so this takes little effort A step by step guide...
View QuestionThis error generally happens when an issue occurs when trying to crawl for all the related objects to this view (elements, childviews, services,....). Most of this happens in SLNet, so the SLNet.txt log...
View QuestionData can take many forms and each have their own purpose. Some tables can contain configuration data which is send to the device. It makes sense to save these so they are persisted between restarts....
View QuestionHey João, The requests look correct and your setup should work from what I can tell. You could check the following SLScheduler.txt logfile Windows event viewer Errors might be reported in there...
View Question