Are there any changes in the new way to generate driver packages (.dmprotocol) that makes a 9.5 system incompatible, throwing a message that says Unable to Upload DMProtocol "XXXXXXXX": No License for encrypted protocol found

Edson, the problem you encounter is probably because encrypted drivers are only allowed on DataMiner with a specific protocol list.
Some background:
We have 3 'types' of protocol deployments:
- Fully open protocols
- Signed protocols
- Encrypted protocols
In this protocol context we also have 2 types of DataMiner licenses:
- A DataMiner that allows all protocols (default)
- A DataMiner that only allows specific protocols
The first, default DataMiner type, can run any 'fully open protocol' and 'Signed protocol'. The second version with a specific protocol list, can only run 'signed protocols' and 'encrypted protocols' which are licensed in the specific list.
The issue was fixed by upgrading the system to 9.5 CU17 or 9.6 CU5, more info can be found at the release notes of Dataminer 9.6 under ID DMS RN 1089