Within my application, I have a GQI query that extracts data from DOM.
The extracted data is then utilized to populate a grid component.
One of the columns within the queried data represents a timestamp
When visualizing this datetime in the grid layout, I get a number (I suspect OADate).
How can I show this as a user-readable string instead of a number?
(We have used a custom operator for this in the past, but in that case, that date time doesn't adjust to the timezone of the user)
Hi Ive
I have taken a look at your setup and I can confirm that you are having an issue we have recently fixed. The grid component displaying the raw value is caused by the use of a query row feed. The fix for this is available in DataMiner 10.3.0[CU12]/10.4.3 onwards.
A, not optimal, workaround could be to use a query filtered on a unique value in the fed row instead of using the feed directly. (Can easily be created using the 'start from' node)
Hi Ive,
You could do the parsing in an ad-hoc data source. Currently, there is no easy way to retrieve user info, but you can figure out the user if you need to: How to filter data based on the user in GQI? - DataMiner Dojo
This will only give you the user and not the timezone of the user AFAIK. I believe the best would be to request a feature that allows you to have the user info (incl. timezone) inside of Ad-hoc data sources and custom operators.
We had a similar issue and we solved it by using an interactive automation script within our app as the engine class knows the user that triggers it, but then you will need to handle the layout to visualize the data yourself.

Ad-hoc data sources or custom operators both result in the same unwanted result. I’ll raise a software issue.