Within my application, I have a GQI query that extracts data from DOM.
The extracted data is then utilized to populate a grid component.
One of the columns within the queried data represents a timestamp
When visualizing this datetime in the grid layout, I get a number (I suspect OADate).
How can I show this as a user-readable string instead of a number?
(We have used a custom operator for this in the past, but in that case, that date time doesn't adjust to the timezone of the user)
Hi Ive
I have taken a look at your setup and I can confirm that you are having an issue we have recently fixed. The grid component displaying the raw value is caused by the use of a query row feed. The fix for this is available in DataMiner 10.3.0[CU12]/10.4.3 onwards.
A, not optimal, workaround could be to use a query filtered on a unique value in the fed row instead of using the feed directly. (Can easily be created using the 'start from' node)