We have beem ingesting some of the log files that are generated on the DataMiner agents to external indexers, such as Splunk and Elastic Search, in order to get a report of the current state of the elements and their logs and to detect any occurancies of RTE in the SLWatchdog files.
We wonder if DM 10 with Elasticsearch will already be able to ingest those log files and help us in seeing these reports in DM through dashboards or some reports?
Also, how ould this work when having Open Search DB with DM in the cloud?

Hi Saddam,
We already discussed internally to move the logging from text files entirely to elastic, however we haven't placed this yet on the road map
At this point in time we mainly use CDMR , this is a DataMiner Cluster with a cassandra & elastic cluster to process and analyze log files & SPIs
We are currently in the transition to use the Cloud functionality instead of e-mail communication to have proactive data and early indicators for performance and stability issues
The current problem would be if we move everything to elastic is that we are not able to process that data since it would be only available on your local server so our initial priority is the SPI reporting and automatic dump/log analysis for critical issues through the cloud which will be an amazing improvement for our support process:
New cloud services that enable faster support are on the way! - DataMiner Dojo
I see there has not been a reply to this yet, but I notice in DMv10.2.12 there is the following feature: https://docs.dataminer.services/release-notes/General/General_Feature_Release_10.2/General_Feature_Release_10.2.12.html#sllogcollector-now-also-retrieves-information-from-elasticsearch-id_34213
What we are looking for though is the other way around so the DM logs themselves can either be directly stored in Elastic or at least ingested, to make log search and error pattern recognition more achievable?