For a setup with 18 independent DataMiner clusters (DMS), we want to have an efficient way to roll out updates to custom applications (aka. artifacts) to all clusters.
I understand these features will be part of the DataMiner Cloud at some point in the future. However, I would like to know what is feasible at this moment:
Requirements regarding package installation:
- Central Hub to install custom application (.dmapp) updates to all DM clusters.
- Install custom applications that include multiple connectors, templates, visios, dashboards, scripts.
- Be able to install application packages at runtime (without having to restart DataMiner)
- Get feedback during installation to confirm it was successful or be aware in case there were issues.
- Have a way to know what version of the application is running at each cluster.
- Custom application packages to be installed may come from different sources:
- Private repository available in the Cloud e.g. GitHub
- Local computer file uploaded manually
Requirements regarding package updates:
- The user wants to be able to make updates to the application packages by e.g. adding updated Visio file, templates, etc.
- They want to push their changes (updated package) to a private repository available to their DMS only.
- Question: What type of repository would it be, assuming Skyline provides and manages it while ensuring privacy?
- Along with the user, the assigned Skyline deploy squad also needs access to the private repository to make changes requested by the user.
Thanks for your answers.

Hi Miguel
I think we have two different use cases here in your post:
- User wants to upload a custom package he developed and the code is present in a private GitHub repository
- User wants to upload a custom package that is provided by Skyline Communications through the catalog.
Allow me to answer these two use cases separately:
- For this use case I would look to extend the current CI/CD integration we have for automation scripts so we can support the deployment of DMAPP packages. You can find more information about this flow on the docs. This would perfectly fit the three requirements you mentioned at the bottom of your post. The user is owner of the code and they own the CI/CD so they can change it as much as they want and deploy to all of their systems at once. Deploying to multiple systems is possible by having multiple "Deploy" steps in the CI/CD workflow.
- At the moment we are only supporting Connectors in the Catalog, but there are plans on the table to make sure we support other types of DataMiner artifacts (DMAPP packages, visio, automation scripts…). These will then also be deployable, just like the Connectors.
Currently the only thing that is feasible is manually installing a DMAPP package. To have an overview of the installed packages you can open the Client Test Tool and go to "Advanced > Apps > AppPackages".
I hope this answers the questions you had.
Is it viable to consider a central proxy where all these 18 DMS would connect for updates?