Since getting the screen to add a real first and last name for cloud connectivity I've had issues getting onto both the collaboration and catalogue sites, where they get stuck in an infinite loop.
I have both an standard login and Microsoft auth against my account, both have the same issue.

Hi Marieke,
Everything except the Catalogue is working; with the Catalogue I have to open a tab in incognito mode as a work around.

As this question has been inactive for quite some time, I will now close it. If the issue still persists, could you contact techsupport@skyline.be for assistance?
Hi Philip, most likely you are experiencing the same issue as described in the following question. Could you please check the proposed workarounds and let us know if this worked for you as well?
Thanks Jordy,
Following the last answer works for collaboration, but the catalogue links don’t work, so I still can’t access that.
Hi Philip,
Which browser are you using? If it's Firefox than it's a known issue as explained in Authentication loop on catalog and collaboration. If not, can you follow the steps described by Baptiste in the same post?
Thanks Jens, I’m using Chrome.
Have you tried https://dataminer.services/logout?
I hadn’t no. Just trying that and opening https://catalog.dataminer.services/ it took me to https://collaboration.dataminer.services/project/mine finally after a few loops logged me in, but won’t load the catalogue site.
Hi Philip,
I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Have you found a solution for this yet? If yes, could you provide some information about this for reference for other users? If not, feel free to contact techsupport@skyline.be for assistance.