I would like to automatically fill in a Custom Alarm Property every time an alarm is generated for elements of a specific protocol with a Param value that is also available in that element.
I would prefer not to update the Protocol definition.
For example: Microsoft Platform Element creates an alarm on any of the monitored params => a custom alarm property "Host" should be filled in with the Parameter "Computer Name" value.
I will opt for an custom Element Property configured via Automation
Hi Mieke,
I believe you can do this by using Information Templates.
Reference: Creating an information template | DataMiner Docs
Kind Regards,
Hi Mieke,
Maybe an option could be using information templates:
Hope it helps.

When selecting a column param from a table, I don't see the option to fill the property with the value of a stand-alone param.
e.g. an alarm on a Task manager column.
Should this be possible?