Dear DOJO,
Recently during one of Tech Days in Mexico a customer ( DM DEVOPS ) wanted to know if there is any TroubleTicket Template Low Code App that he can tweak a little and integrate with his DM System - he wants a very basic Trouble Ticketing Functionality ( Open, Close Tickets and Reports ). Customer mentioned our legacy Trouble Ticket App, if this is still available for active DM Customers to play with.
Hi Luiz, we have an Incident Manager low-code app available, which you can explore on Ziine. This app replaces the legacy Ticketing since this is end of development. I would propose to walk through this app with the user and see if this would meet the expectations?

With the latest info I have, it would be possible via interactive automation to feed alarm info into DOM. As far as I know however, this has not been put into practice yet.
Hi Jordy, does this app allow integration to Cube Alarm Console so a ticket can be created and linked to Alarms?