
Romain Dabe

User info

First name Romain
Last name Dabe

System and Storage Manager

DevOps Program

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Number of DevOps Professional Points
2506 DevOps Points
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Questions asked

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Hi, many thanks, now the installation was running through without error. Many thanks for the quick fix! Romain

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Hello Jordy, I tried both packages, with and without emmbedded .NET 6. The docs say, if your DM version is prior 10.2.0 C4 (we are running CU14) you don't need the emmbedded version, but also with the...

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Hello, yes the access is also on each service. The rights are given from the level below through the complete structure. They have WRITE and CONFIG rights on everything in this tree structure, including...

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Hello, yes the config flag is set to the views where the services are located. The services are only located there, not on locations where the group has no rights. Kind regards Romain

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Hello, this is still not working with all the requested right set on the permissions of this user. Is there a bug? We are running on 10.2.0 CU14 at the moment Kind regards Romain

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