When inserting an alarm console into a workspace and saving the workspace. Is there a way of locking that alarm console so it permenantly displays the 'Statistical View' and not default to the 'list view' by default when you load the workspace?

Hi Ken, at the moment, it looks like this is not possible as referenced in the manual, https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Basic_Functionality/Alarms/Working_with_alarms/Working_with_the_Alarm_Console/Changing_the_layout_of_the_Alarm_Console.html
"This setting is not remembered across user sessions. If you reconnect to DataMiner Cube, the alarm tab will show a regular list view again."
You can always add it to the feature suggestion list if needed.
DataMiner Feature Suggestions - DataMiner Dojo
You could also, create a Visio View with the Statistics you are interested in and use that for the page displayed in the Workspace.
Hi Ken,
It is not possible to lock the alarmconsole on the "Statistical view". When you load your workspace, the alarmconsole will always go back to the "List view".
If needed you can create a task so we can add the option to lock the alarmconsole on the "Statistical view".
Hi Ken, this doesn’t seem possible at the moment. The view indeed resets after the workspace is reopened. Seems like an issue because under the hamburger menu it is possible to set the default alarm list, which resets after opening the workspace.