I would like to use .Net 5 or higher as then I will have some properties in my classes available that are not there in .Net Framework 4.6.2. I know it is possible to set it to 4.7.2, but I'm wondering what versions can be used in QAction projects. Do we have somewhere an overview of what versions can be used?
Hi Michiel,
DataMiner compiles QActions using the latest version of the .NET Framework that is installed on the agent (it detects this via the registry). As of DataMiner 10.1.11, .NET Framework 4.8 is required (but a higher version of the .NET Framework can be used), for more info refer to: https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Reference/DataMiner_Compute_Requirements.html?q=system%20requirements#microsoft-net
There is currently no support for using .NET 5 or higher in QActions.
Just so you know, .NET 5 is end of life so it shouldn’t be used anymore.
Hi Michiel
QActions (and Automation Scripts) only support .NET Framework at this time.
Which version of .NET Framework depends on which version is installed on the DataMiner system. Starting from DataMiner 10.2, this is .NET Framework 4.8.
Thanks for the quick response Michiel. Would be very nice if we could start using .Net
Thanks for the quick response Pedro. Hoping that we can start using .NET in the future