I need to create a view associated with an element, showing a timeline of the reservations in the DMS. As far as I understood, we can use the shape data Component with the "Reservations" value. However, the documentation focuses on presenting the resources vs. the bookings rather than just the reservations.
What is the minimum configuration in a Visio view to show confirmed reservations? So far, I have tried to add the following data to the shape that will show the timeline:
And the following configuration at the page level:
However, the result is an empty timeline with just a band. What I'm missing?

Thanks Kevin, however, this is not what I’m looking for. I’m working with the Component shape data which has already another section in our documentation but I still can’t make it work for our goal.
After receiving Karl's support (a lot 😁 ), Following the steps to achieve a basic view with a booking timeline filtering reservations based on a custom property "Operators".
A shape data "Component" uses Reservations as a source of the timeline (default representation). The ComponentsOptions shape data is adding a prefix "CUSTOMBOOKING_" to avoid potential conflicts with other variables in the view. Of particular importance is to scope the variables by using a PageVariable or CardVariable in the Options shape data:
At the page level, an InitVar shape data initializes the YAxisResources (with the previous prefix) and a custom band, as explained in the section Embedding a Resource Manager Component. Notice the last part of the definition uses a "Filter" field to select the reservations with the custom property "Operators" containing a value from another variable (configured, for instance, with a button, text box, automation script, etc.):
Because the YAxisResources variable may not be ready at the time, it is necessary to use an "Execute" shape data to trigger an update of the expression every time the filter variable SourceVar changes. The variables are also scoped here to ensure they are resolved in this case at the page level.
Hi Gelber,
Indeed you can use the shape data Component to show bookings filtered on booking properties. The syntax of the used shapedata seems correct.
From the screenshots I can see the YAxisResources shapedata as 'CardVariable'. Be careful in case you would be using multiple timeline components inside one visio, they would all use that same cardvariable and might influence each other. You could use a PageVariable to safeguard your visio page using a page-specific 'YAxisResources'.
Kind regards,
Gelber, don’t know if this is also an option?