Hi Dojo - posting this question as I'm looking into the different possibilities to aggregate alarms in a DMS: adding below the ones I can think of - but would there be any possibility to use any kind of "aggregation rule" too? I seem to recall that's a different thing - so I'm also looking into any other feature that is present by default in a standard DMA with automation & correlation engines
Root Cause Analysis:
once in place, I believe this could be used to trim down the list of active alarms presented in console;
Correlation Rules:
e.g. to give just 1 alarm on a view or a service when many of the elements (in the service or the view) have different alarms raised within a given sliding window;
Any other possible aggregation mechanism that can be put in place?
Sorry if this seems quite a basic question - just keen to consider all of the possible options.
Any steer will be helpful.
Hi Alberto,
Automatic incident tracking | DataMiner Docs groups active alarms related to the same incident so that the Alarm Console provides a better overview of the current issues in the system. DataMiner Analytics automatically detects which alarms share a common trait and groups them as one incident.
Although it has a different purpose, namely to prevent the system from being flooded with alarms, Alarm storm protection | DataMiner Docs groups alarms with the same parameter descriptions.

Good shout, Miguel – appreciated
Indeed I was forgetting the incident tracking possibility – thank you!