The DataMiner Teams bot comes with a set of out-of-the-box commands that you can use to interact with your DataMiner System(s). However, these commands only scratch the surface of what is possible. By creating custom commands tailored to your exact needs, you can get maximum value from this functionality.
Do you have a use case in mind for the DataMiner chatbot, but unsure how to create the custom command? Let us know in the answers to this question what you would like to achieve and we'll implement the 5 highest voted commands for you!
Custom command to view ongoing bookings and some metadata, such as booking status, service definition name, start/end dates.
This command will allow DevOps team operating with SRM in a easier manner from MS Teams and can use this real-time information in their conversations. For sure a great reply when someone asks "What events we have on air?".
This could be implemented with an MS Teams integration that posts a message in a channel when critical events starts or ends, keeping all the necessary users informed.

Hi Bruno, we have a few custom chatbot commands implemented in this repository: There are off course hundreds of possibilities so feel free to use these as a base to continue tailoring these to your needs.