I'm trying to build an URL for a specific Web page of a device.
I have some Input Data and Parameters to make this url:
This is basically working:
http://<ElementIP>/#/card[param:<elementname>,17402,SDI In 3.1A]
In my Service template I have a Input Filter to filter table rows.
The Input data is called "Slot Filter Input" and has value "3.1A"
http://<ElementIP>/#/card[param:<elementname>,17402,*[Property:Slot Filter Input]]
I think the "*" wildcard is causing the issue that the url is not okay
Hi John,
For the data the * is representing ‘SDI In’ from example above, is this data available in any of the table parameters? If so, you could add a parameter lookup in place of the *. If available with additional character, regex replace might work to get to the specific characters you need. (https://community.dataminer.services/question/regexreplace-parameter-in-a-row-source-child-shape/?hilite=regex)
Hi Jon,
Can you try to add other shape data to your shape?
Options : ForcePropertyFromShape
Let me know if that works.
Kind Regards,
Hi Jarno,
Below option did the job
Options: ForcePropertyFromParent
Also the wildcard is working okay
The Nevion Virtuoso url is now:
#http:///#/card[param:,17402,*[Property:Slot Filter Input]]/functionsmodal/sdiinput/[param:,17403,*[Property:Slot Filter Input]]/alarms?closeHash=/card[param:,17402,*[Property:Slot Filter Input]]/functions/sdiinput_coll
This will now show the correct page for video thumbnails / audio levels / alarms for a single channel, specified in a service template
Alright, great it helped.
Thanks for letting us know!
I’m using as a reference: