I'm trying to build an URL for a specific Web page of a device.
I have some Input Data and Parameters to make this url:
This is basically working:
http://<ElementIP>/#/card[param:<elementname>,17402,SDI In 3.1A]
In my Service template I have a Input Filter to filter table rows.
The Input data is called "Slot Filter Input" and has value "3.1A"
http://<ElementIP>/#/card[param:<elementname>,17402,*[Property:Slot Filter Input]]
I think the "*" wildcard is causing the issue that the url is not okay
Hi John,
For the data the * is representing ‘SDI In’ from example above, is this data available in any of the table parameters? If so, you could add a parameter lookup in place of the *. If available with additional character, regex replace might work to get to the specific characters you need. (https://community.dataminer.services/question/regexreplace-parameter-in-a-row-source-child-shape/?hilite=regex)
Hi Jon,
Can you try to add other shape data to your shape?
Options : ForcePropertyFromShape
Let me know if that works.
Kind Regards,
Hi Jarno,
Below option did the job
Options: ForcePropertyFromParent
Also the wildcard is working okay
The Nevion Virtuoso url is now:
#http:///#/card[param:,17402,*[Property:Slot Filter Input]]/functionsmodal/sdiinput/[param:,17403,*[Property:Slot Filter Input]]/alarms?closeHash=/card[param:,17402,*[Property:Slot Filter Input]]/functions/sdiinput_coll
This will now show the correct page for video thumbnails / audio levels / alarms for a single channel, specified in a service template
Alright, great it helped.
Thanks for letting us know!
Still I'm not able to get it to work, I found out that the "*" was not the issue.
Link http://<ElementIP>/#/card[param:<elementname>,17402,SDI In 3.1A]
not works:
Link http://<ElementIP>/#/card[param:<elementname>,17402,[property:Slot Filter Input]]
"Slot Filter Input" in a input data field of my service.
The Link is attached to the Element in this service, it seems that it can not resolve "Slot Filter Input"
(I use now "SDI In 3.1A" as input data instead of "3.1A")
Hi John,
The param placeholder is very convenient to retrieve data, however I'm unsure if <elementname> is resolved within this placeholder. Can you try to use [this elementid] or [this element] instead?
Kind Regards,
[this elementid] etc wont work when using in the Link shape data, then the should be used.
Hi Gerwin, if you link the same shape also with the Element shape data, you can use these placeholders. I have just tested this myself and seems to work.
I’m using as a reference: