I'm currently using the following feature in Visio to open the alarm console from Visio: Linking a shape to an alarm filter | DataMiner Docs. The alarm filter and the name of the alarm tab are dynamic based on the card that I'm connected to.
I'm wondering if it is possible to define somewhere the column layout? If not possible, would it be possible when using a fixed alarm tab name, referring to Setting the default alarm tabs and columns in the Cube settings?
Thank you!
Interesting use case! But sadly not one that is possible I think.
In your 2nd suggestion, is the expected outcome that the existing tab updates its layout according to the settings? If so, that is also not possible, only new tabs will take things over from the settings.

Not if you want a different layout for different tabs of the same type. I think you can configure the default layout for each tab type (history, linked to tab, active…) but not further than that?
Hi Toon, I was mainly looking to preconfigure the tab through the settings before the users start to use the new tab. Would that work?