I have following condition:
(<A>and(<B>or<C>))and((<D>and(<F>or<G>))or(<E>and(<H>or<I>)))-A|ASI Switch|PARAMETER:81|=0-B|DCM Main|1849,[Param:DCM Main,1943,*/[Property:channel]]|Regex=.*[Property:Inbound Main Multicast].*|DefaultReturnValue=False-C|DCM Main|1849,[Param:DCM Main,1943,*/[Property:channel] (*)]|Regex=.*[Property:Inbound Main Multicast].*|DefaultReturnValue=False-D|Next ASI Switch|PARAMETER:81|=0-E|Next ASI Switch|PARAMETER:81|=1-F|Next DCM Main|PARAMETER:1943,*/[Property:Next DCM Output Service Name]|=[Property:Next DCM Input Port A]|DefaultReturnValue=False-G|Next DCM Main|PARAMETER:1943,*/[Property:Next DCM Output Service Name] (*)|=[Property:Next DCM Input Port A]|DefaultReturnValue=False-H|Next DCM Backup|PARAMETER:1943,*/[Property:Next DCM Output Service Name]|=[Property:Next DCM Input Port A]|DefaultReturnValue=False-I|Next DCM Backup|PARAMETER:1943,*/[Property:Next DCM Output Service Name] (*)|=[Property:Next DCM Input Port A]|DefaultReturnValue=False
Condition D is false, and condition E is true.
(<A>and(<B>or<C>))and((<D>and(<F>))or(<E>and(<H>or<I>))) shows the object
(<A>and(<B>or<C>))and((<D>and(<G>))or(<E>and(<H>or<I>))) shows the object
((<D>and(<F>or<G>))or(<E>and(<H>or<I>))) shows the object
(<A>and(<B>or<C>))and((<D>and(<F>or<G>))or(<E>and(<H>or<I>))) does not show the object
It doesn't seem to be the conditions themselves, but the logical equation that somehow behaves strange in this specific situation.
Is there a maximum number of conditions?
Is there a way to investigate this further?
I see that you haven't changed the default separators ('|' and '-'). Can you double-check that none of the dynamic parts contain these characters?
You can change the default separators by using the placeholder Sep.
I checked and both conditions F and G and these properties don’t seem to hold ‘-‘ or ‘|’ characters.
I also simplified the conditions by removing all the property placeholders and replacing it with the actual values.
The strange behavior remains.