We enable the Chromium browser to monitor a videothumbnail of a picture that is being updated every second.
Using DM10 CU5 the image used to resize automatically to fit into the Visio shape.
Since the upgrade to DM10 CU12 the image doesn't seem to resize, and cuts of part of the drawing.
Is there a way to make the image displayed full sized (resized if needed to fit in the box)?

This problem was fixed with release note 29596, released in 10.0 CU14 and 10.1 CU3
You can find more details about the Release Note ID_29596 here:
General Main Release 10.0.0 CU14 | DataMiner Docs
As it looks this might be due to an issue caused by a change to the dpi settings in Windows. We’re working on a fix for this issue.