I'm using engine.AddScriptOutput(UIVariables.VisualOverview.CreateKey() to output logging to my Low Code App Web component for the user to see progress.
How do I add to the output whilst using the same key? As the script carries out various actions I want to update a string builder and periodically output success and failures of the script for the user. It's fine when outputting in one go at the end, and I could clear the sb and create new keys periodically but I'd rather the output was updated when running.
Hi Ross,
The output of a script is only available in a LCA when the script is fully done running. If you want to show progress to the user, I would suggest creating an interactive script. This interactive script can update its UI based on other actions that are happening. It is possible to integrate an interactive script in a LCA using an 'Execute a script' action or using the IAS component.

To add to this, you could potentially use the 'Hide UI' feature added in DataMiner version 10.4.7 to hide the interactive window while the script is executing actions that do not need to be shown to the user. When something goes wrong, or the script needs input, you can then just call ShowProgress or ShowUI again to have the pop-up back.
I've been testing with this more and I'm aware I'm not using it for it's intended purpose. Is there a way to output to a Web component during a script running? I would usually use 'show progress' but ideally I would keep the script running in the background and update the user via the low code app, is there a way to achieve this? Thanks