In the legacy DataMiner software it used to be possible to export a list of users in csv format.
This contained the following fields.
- UserName
- Full UserName
- Phone Number
- Pager Number
- email address
- Member of groups
Is something like this possible in Cube?
Jeroen, you view the user's details via the client-test tool, GetInfoMessage –> Type = SecurityInfo. Exporting I'm not aware off, unless you do it via automation script to write them to csv files.
Exporting via client-test tool is not possible I think.
For your use-case, probably this is a new feature request for Cube.

Quoting Kevin – it wouldn’t hurt to add some Cube features to duplicate/export the groups of users.
Security.xml would list that sort of info, but I haven’t found a way to for an admin to export that info via Cube.
so basically something is possible in automation scripts through this slnet call and then exporting to CSV.