I have in table visualisation column with URL. Is is possible to make a active link to from this URL? If yes, how can I define link name? It is possible use some icon as a link name?
As Michiel mentioned, depending on your use-case there are alternatives, but it's currently not possible yet to use a value from a table cell to create an interactive link.
This is definitely something we'll want to support.
We have this task on our backlog: https://collaboration.dataminer.services/task/188127
Hi Jan,
Unfortunately this is not yet possible. Currently it is only possible to configure an action that navigates to a static url. We have an item on our roadmap which should support your use-case:
At present, navigating to a URL is limited to using fixed URLs. However, in the context of a table, this approach lacks practicality since every row would direct to the same URL. Our goal is to enable navigation to URLs that include dynamic placeholders, which correspond to specific fields of the selected row. This way, we can achieve a more meaningful and contextual navigation experience.
This item has quite a high priority on our backlog of roadmap items, still it is hard to give you a exact ETA for this feature.
Best regards,
Hi Jan,
Within the Cube UI string parameters starting with common URL prefixes such as HTTP://, HTTPS://, FTP://,... are automatically recognized and shown as a hyperlink. This is the case for individual parameters as well as values in tables. Unfortunately, it is not possible to assign a link name in this case.
In low-code apps, you can add a hyperlink by adding an "on click" action and choosing "Navigate to a URL".

Hi Jan,
In a low-code app you should be able to feed the URL of the navigate action by using the column name between braces, something like {mycolumname}.
In dashboards, it is as far as I know not currently possible to use URLs.
Thank Michiel
you are right, that in Cube UI it works.
I forget to add, that I looking for similar functionality in web dashboards or low code apps.
In low code app I can add action “Navigate to URL” but I don’t know how to feed URL from particular column