
Ronald Gerard

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First name Ronald
Last name Gerard

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Hi Leander, As Matthias already mentioned we've recently been working on making the display value of datetimes consistent throughout GQI. Internally, there are query options to specify both time zone...

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Hi Matthijs, This is indeed a known issue: The general workaround that is mentioned on this task works in all scenarios, but requires a code change....

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8 Votes Selected

As Toon already mentioned, there is currently no way yet to get a custom sort order for columns; they all use the default comparison for their column type. A possible solution is to use a custom operator...

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7 Votes Selected

Hi Nils, Thanks for your question! Nothing significant changed for this feature in 10.4.0 and should still work as before. Our internal tests still indicate that this feature works and I was able to confirm...

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Hi, some troubleshooting tips that may help: Manually stop the SLHelper.exe process if it exists. It will automatically start up again when needed and reload all the data source from scratch. This could...

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Hi Seppe, This is currently not possible yet. As you found out, the Query Filter component only works with GQI queries and you cannot have parameter sets yet in a GQI query result. Feel free to create...

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5 Votes Selected

As Michiel mentioned, depending on your use-case there are alternatives, but it's currently not possible yet to use a value from a table cell to create an interactive link. This is definitely something...

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The DeletedRows property contains a list with the primary keys of any rows that were deleted from the parameter table on which you subscribed. The value will be an array of strings, see example below....

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We have added a package on the catalog, compatible from DataMiner 10.4.0 onwards: Alarm Report | Catalog ( This package contains the following: Ad hoc data source to retrieve the...

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Hi Jens, A project can have as many data sources and operators as you like. The GQI framework just scans the resulting library for all types that implement the IGQIDataSource and IGQIOperator interfaces....

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Carlos, it looks like it found the wrong version of Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.dll or one it's dependencies. Can you check the version of all dependencies located in C:\Skyline DataMiner\Files? If...

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Hi Edib, Currently there is only a timeout for the NATS communication between SLHelper (where GQI runs) and SLNet, which is 15 minutes by default I believe. If that timeout would expire, you should get...

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Hi Gabriel, Unfortunately at this time, we don't support defining Discreets for a GQIColumn just yet. We do agree that this a valuable extension for the future! Feel free to create project task or a...

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Instead of the GetInfoMessage, you can use the GetAlarmDetailsFromDbMessage (also in the Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Messages namespace) to request the historical information events. You can create such a message...

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Hi Gerwin, Some background At this moment, GQI does not directly provide a Connection object to Ad Hoc data sources yet. The main reason for this is because in general, GQI does not need it. Instead,...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Stefan, In order to get a bar chart like that, the availability of each service will have to be put into a separate column. There is no trivial solution to do this yet, but it's definitely achievable....

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Hi Jim, This is currently not supported yet, but definitely a very useful capability to have. We have a feature task on our backlog that will allow an Ad Hoc data source to define such an array argument...

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Hi Steve, I believe this should be possible using our Generic Query Interface (GQI). There we have built-in data sources for trend data and operators to join, aggregate, group and transform that data....

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Hi Marco, Unfortunately the Low Code Apps does not equipped yet for the usecase you describe. For now, a possible workaround could be to automatically open a popup page after the new preset is created...

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Hi Steve, From what you explained I think your suspicion is correct that it's likely the start timestamps do not match exactly. To investigate this further and to solve this issue you could use the experimental...

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Hi Edson, There are a few ways you could go about this. Execute the query in a dashboard table component and manually export to a CSV file. Using the Data Aggregator DxM you can run queries manually...

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Hi Michiel, This is indeed a common use-case that we'll want to support soon. Unfortunately there is no good way yet to retrieve info about the current user or connection to be able to use it to retrieve...

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Hi Baranisudha, The "Access not allowed" exception you get when sending a GetParameterMessage is because your request did not specify from which element to retrieve the parameter. You can specify the...

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The dashboard visualization indeed only requires an element feed. The error message you see is not caused by an invalid dashboard configuration, but rather an unexpected issue when trying to open a spectrum...

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From feature release 10.1.6 on it will be possible to stack trend lines in the Dashboard app. 2 new options were added for the chart component in Layout > Styling & Information that are relevant...

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