I have tried to upload report to shared folder via scheduler. However, after executing the task, no report is saved on the folder path.
Is the configuration above correct?
Marieke Goethals [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Selected answer as best 18th September 2023
It's only possible to give in a UNC path.
The path you described in your image is an invalid path as it's missing the : . This sign is disabled for the field as UNC paths don't use this.
Can you update the folder path and retry?
Thibault Heylen [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Answered question 24th August 2023
Hi Ashwiny,
The folder path defined in your screenshot is a local path. I am not sure if this action (Upload report) works with local paths (reports are normally stored in a different location). Have you tried using the UNC path (\MyServerMy\SharedFolder)?