Hello, mi name is Gabriel
Maybe this is a silly question, sorry in advance.
The Surveyor view looks empty for all users except Administrator. Permissions are ok, in fact I gave all users administrator permissions just to make sure.
any ideas or suggestions?
This is what the users see:
This is what the administrator see:
Hi Gabriel,
This is likely the result of the users not having any view rights.
Can you check if everything is set as accessible under the view subtab?

That's it! Thank you all for your answers!
Sorry, it was simpler than I thought, I had not noticed the "View" tab.
Hi Gabriel. Can you check the Views-tab of the group in the User/Groups tab of the System Center?
You have the Rights-tab (where you can choose the rights/permissions of the selected group), but you also need to select the views this group has access to.

Thank you Lander!
Hi Gabriel,
Welcome to our Dojo community. Could you check if the permissions on the views tab (for the group were the users were added) were set correctly?

Gracias Miguel!
Thanks Ive!