We noticed a lot of error messages in the SLSNMPManager.txt file.
This is an example :
2022/04/13 15:32:09.744|SLSNMPManager.exe 10.1.2135.418|4804|23300|CBaseManager::GetOIDs|ERR|-1|"Element": Unable to retrieve the parameters (not enough pointers)
Can anyone give an explanation of this messages? The streamviewer and the log of the element are fine.
Hi Sofia,
The error message is a bit of a misnomer, and seems to indicate one of two things. Either the internal pointer to the protocol information is absent, which seems unlikely, or there is no parameter to poll. It aborts the SNMP Get request, explaining why there are no further messages in the streamviewer or logfile.
I suspect that there is a poll group without parameters, or with parameters that don't have a valid SNMP configuration. Would it be possible to check the protocol used by the element "Element", or the element name that was in the log message between the quotes?
Hi Floris, there was a poll group without parameters. The problem is solved. Thank you so much for your support!
Hi Michiel, i think this looks ok. Do you know what the BaseManager is?
Thanks, Sofia

CBaseManager is an internal class of the SLSNMPManager process… I assume these errors appear when starting the DMA or when restarting an element. Is that correct?
That´s correct. It is a self-developped driver. We developped a few driver in the last year, but we never had this behavior. The streamviewer and the logs of the element are fine.
Hi Sofia, the "not enough pointers" may indicate that SLSNMPManager is near the limit of available memory. Can you check in the task manager how much memory the SLSNMPManager is using on your system, and how much total memory is still available?
Hi Floris, thanks for your reply. I will check the protocol.