I'm having an issue with a SET command. I seem to remember it working before, but I may be mistaken.
I'm trying to set a table parameter of a child element in a templated service using a button. Each service has the table filtered to a single row, and I am using the Write Parameter ID. I've noticed that if I use [serviceDefinitionFilter] in the Execute shape data it doesn't work, but if I copy and paste the display key that it works.
However [serviceDefinitionFilter] seems to work when reading parameters throughout the same Visio.
Could it be because the Write parameter is not included in the service?
EXECUTE shape data that doesn't work
SET|DCM B|9255:[serviceDefinitionFilter]|0|
EXECUTE shape data that does work
SET|DCM B|9255:{Exact DisplayKey}|0|
Protocol: Cisco DCM v1.0.3.99
Parameter: Table Data > Backup TS (Input) > Input TS Backup List > Active Input
Parameter IDs: Read=9205, Write=9255
Hi Nick,
Are you maybe referring to the placeholder [tableIndex]? See the following question:
Visio script execution links to element
Hope it helps.

Nick and I took a look at the service template and we made a change to use the Service Template "Property" instead of a ServiceDefinitionFilter and I think the new solution is working.
Thanks Randy, for a moment I thought that Nick was generating shapes based on a service.
I'm not using [tableIndex], I'm using [serviceDefinitionFilter] (This is a Child Element of a Service with a filtered table parameter). I don't think this is an inheritance problem as the shape is not in a group, it is in the top level of the service Visio.