The task is create a view in a low code app which shows the error count and severity based on each service. There are existing DOM's on the system which I intend to use/edit to collect the data and make it available for a Low Code GQI query. I've attempted a couple of blind alleys, time for a question. Firstly, is it possible to collect the alarm count provided in the Dataminer service view.
The below is the existing service and the alarm totals for that service, I would like to collect these values in a DOM.
The goal is to provide something similar to the below mock up in a Low Code app, adding another column for timeout alarms, and handling new services automatically as they are created and deleted in Dataminer.
So, can I collect the aggregated alarm count shown at the bottom of the service view and add it to a DOM?
GQI Query - Some advice on how to approach this part would be great. I'm trying to understand how best to handle the logic for filtering the data to display. Using the automation script to send a single payload and filter using the GQI Query in the low code app?
Hopefully all of that makes sense.
Thanks in advance

Hey, thanks, I looked at this initially, and after some time (and coding) found it difficult as it collects the alarms separately, rather than from a DOM, and only returns one service. I made some changes and it then returned multiple services, but it was then proving difficult to separate the alarms once they were available to the Low Code app. I tried using a regex to do it. That got really confusing. That's when I got a bit stuck and admitted defeat

Hi Garry, can you elaborate a bit what you mean by "collecting alarms from a DOM"?
What information do you have available in your DOM instances that you would like to use here?
Hi Garry,
You can check this repository as the basis of a sample of GQI over services: https://github.com/SkylineCommunications/SLC-GQIDS-ServiceAlarms