is it possible to search in all elements for a specific string? In our case I would like to search for a SN which is stored in a table of the element.

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Hi Stefan,
Another alternative could be to create a dashboard and use the native query filter to search across all elements running a specific protocol.
Step 1: Create a query that fetches the target parameter(s)
Step 2: Pass query to filter component
Step3: Pass filter component to table component as feed
Step 4: Search for any value and find matches
For a tutorial on how to work with dashboards and GQI, please see: DataMiner Dashboards - DataMiner Dojo.
Hi Stefan,
As far as I know, there's no built-in method to search in multiple tables in one go. I'd suggest creating an Automation Script that helps you with this. Although it may not be the most elegant way to get there, I suggest creating an Automation Script that fetches the elements you want. For each element, you can trigger another script (RetrieveAllParams) that will store all data in a JSON file. Once you have files, you can use any tool to search (or even do it in the Automation script).
Example JSON looks like this:
{"Params":[{"PID":350,"Value":"2,8"},{"PID":127,"Value":"Microsoft Hyper-V Network Adapter"}],"Tables":[{"DMAID":172,"ElemID":1,"TablePID":55000,"PKIDX":0,"Rows":[["Ethernet","2","00:00:00:00:00:00","1"]]}]}
Kind Regards,
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