Hi Dojo,
Apparently I can no longer retrieve the thumbnails for the VISIOs when assigning an existing file - not sure with which version this changed - is there any option to restore the previews in this screen?
Besides, is there the possibility to extend the space for the name of the Visio files, so that the full name of the files can be read (e.g. could be possible to expand this with a button, similarly to what is done for element tables)?
Interesting – this makes me think that maybe I used to load previews when the extension was VSD (long time ago – must have been System Display perhaps?)
To get thumbnails, we try to find files in the Views folder with the same name as the Visio file, but with a png extension instead. So you can work around it like that if you really want to (although I understand if you don't haha).
Now, this hasn't changed in a very long time and it's perfectly possible we had a different mechanism for this back when .vdx was the standard, that no longer worked for .vsdx. I couldn't track it down.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention though. If there is a lot of value in it for you to get this working again, please do let any of your contacts within skyline know and we'll make sure we take it into account.
Regarding the filtering Philip mentions in his comment, there's an open feature suggestion for it on dojo, I'll make sure it gets bumped in value on our side as well.
I guess you’re right about the workaround, Toon (:
at times I need to do that (no other option when you have many visual overviews in a system – other times I simply re-upload, making the system even more crowdy), but it could be a 2 seconds selection – I’d really love to use the Cube GUI to serve the purpose of selecting the right VISIO.
I’ve added my vote to the feature request.
Removing the “Solved” check-mark as this seems to be still an issue in DataMiner 10 – checked in 10.1 and 10.2 Main releases

Proposed this feature suggestion for a fix:
It’s never worked in all the time I’ve used DM.
A search filter would be useful as well, this section of DM is painful.