Has anyone experienced an issue with the protocols list in Cube being incomplete? When this page is loaded, it sometimes has the full list of protocols but sometimes it's truncated. There doesn't seem to be any consistency in what protocols are missing or how many are missing. When they are missing, moving to another APP page and coming back often clears the problem, but sometimes you might have to do it a time or two.
Are there any logs or similar that I might go to find out what could be causing the issue. The issue does appear to be localized to one user and is not systemic.
The Cube version is: 10.2.2239.1906-53cf31e4.

Will give that a try. Thanks Ben!

Haven’t seen it either – if in a cluster environment, do you get this connecting to a specific agent or to any DMA?

It is a clustered environment, however, only one person is reporting the issue, while others connecting to the same DMA are not. I did have them clear the cache as Ben suggested and so far the user hasn’t been able to reproduce the issue. Fingers crossed!

I have seen it. Opening a new session of the Cube normally resolves the problem.
Hi Jaime,
can you confirm this seems to be resolved by clearing the cache?
I would say if you encounter it again, since already more than 1 person reported this, could you ask the client to take a Cube memory dump & export the cube log files and send it to techsupport@skyline.be for further investigation? Maybe we can quickly see something in there to identify this odd behavior
Collecting DataMiner Cube memory dumps | DataMiner Docs
Consulting the DataMiner logs in DataMiner Cube | DataMiner Docs

The client reported that since clearing the cache they have no longer seen this issue. If we see it again, we certainly can collect a dump, but so far so good.
I have personally never seen this happening. As you mention that it is localized to one user, just a wild guess here, but maybe try to clear out the entire local cache on that workstation? Again, wild guess, not even sure if it can be related.