how can I restart a specific protocol? All elements are showing not responding (timeout SNMP), but they are reachable from the DMA.
BR, Stefan

No communication is working, for example in iReasoning.

Device is HWg-STE, a small temperature sensor
Hi Stefan,
Normally elements that are showing timeouts won't be solved by a restart. I'd suggest you reach out to Techsupport to help you with understanding the underlying problem.
Now to answer your question, I think the easiest way is to:
- go to the root view in the Surveyor.
- Select 'Elements' under 'Below this View'.
- type in a filter similar like this: Protocol:"Microsoft Platform".
- You can select all the elements by hitting Control+A on your keyboard.
- Use the context menu to restart the elements.
Kind Regards,

I don’t want to restart an element. I want to restart the protocol. Somehow it’s possible

Unless I misunderstand something, you cannot restart a protocol.
From the DataMiner Docs:
“A DataMiner connector (also referred to as a “driver” or “protocol”) is an XML file containing all the information a DataMiner Agent needs to be able to communicate with the device: instructions on how to poll the device and display all relevant data on the user interface (i.e. DataMiner Cube element cards), default port settings, alarm thresholds, parameter labels, etc. The language used to define a protocol is referred to as the DataMiner Protocol Markup Language (DPML).”
Could it be the case that we are referring to restart all the elements using a specific protocol? If this is the case, you can go to the root view, select Elements and filter down the list of elements by protocol. Then you can select all the filtered elements, right-click -> State -> Restart
What devices are these? Because there are some SNMP products out there that exhibit this behavior (all of them going into time-out while they are seemingly still reachable) and this is due to a bug in their firmware, not an issue with DataMiner. Just to make sure that it’s not this case popping up again.