We're troubleshooting an issue with slow SNMP responsetimes for a certain type of equipment.
In the protocol under General Parameters / Communication info section there are som values that may be of interest, but haven't found an explanation how it's measured and the time base (i.e. real time, or average over an interval?)
How is device RTT measured (is it response-time per GET? or something else?)
What is device iterations? Does a device message drop equal a snmp get request with no response within set timeout value or no response after x number of retries?
When you click the diagram symbol you get a graph that I don't understand really...
Maybe also the Stream Viewer can give you some additional insights in what is happening? Connecting to an element using Stream Viewer | DataMiner Docs
On a lower level, a lot of people use Wireshark to inspect traffic. Wireshark · Go Deep
We also have a PING driver to track the basic performance of an IP infrastructure. Maybe worth to set one of those up and track the PING performance with those devices? Or do you have other devices in the same environment that don’t have any of those problems, and which more or less rule out IP network issues?
I’ve been using both the stream viewer logging in combination with wireshark and seen that we have snmp requests without response and also sometimes very slow response times. Problem is that sometimes it’s quite ok and sometimes it’s worse. I figured that if I had a better understanding of what the values mean I could trend on them and get a long-time picture of how bad it is.
Edit: Specifically, it’s our Tredess FS DTTV transmitters which seems quite slow and sometimes miss a request, but a couple of them are really bad for unknown reason and we may have to see if we can tweak the timeout settings for those as a workaround.