Please, is there any doc here on Dojo listing the possible port ranges required by Cube to connect to the DataMiner server in "Eventing Mode"?
I remember the server side port is always 8004 and I had found that the client side port is managed by the Microsoft OS, using a random port within a known range that actually depends on the specific OS used on the machine where Cube is running.
I'd need to identify that range for Windows 10 & 11 so that these ports can be enabled to prevent the fall-back to polling of all the clients.
Wondering if this could also become part of the CUBE desktop app (e.g. running the Cube installer with admin privileges, so that Cube can allow inbound connection through the required range, at least on the local windows firewall - in my personal experience, it's where the port is blocked more often).
Hi Alberto,
If I'm not mistaken, .net remoting will allocate a random port in the range 49152 to 65535 for eventing.
Do note that you can also configure clients machines to use polling by default.
This configuration can be made system wide (through the server configuration) or on specific clients.

Thank you, guys! Much appreciated
This ties up with what I could recall about the low & high port range –
(High port range is indeed from 49152 through 65535, found confirmation here too: )
In terms of polling by default, I’m avoiding that in this environment, as it isn’t just for one client and while checking some excessive load on SLNET (in the past) I got the impression that the load would increase linearly with the number of users connected if eventing is blocked – so eventing is always my first choice! ^^
Similar considerations in these comments:
Windows will indeed pick a random client port, more information can be found on the MS docs: