hi people ,
are people here who sucesfully used a peplink modem to send sms messages from dataminer
our phone provider switched off 2g/gprs so my modem is useless ....
it is kind a urgent that i resolve this ... 🙂
with regards
no it does not help @ all hahaha....
anyway i do know now that i can stop experimenting with the peplink...
thanks Miguel
An experimental proposal:
If any of the modems you have has the functionality to act as an SMPP server and allows SMPP clients then all you need is:
An SMS Gateway software (e.g open source like Kannel) which will do two things:
a) Forward SMS messages to your modem.
b) On the other side it can expose an HTTP service which a simple connector in DataMiner can call and send messages to.
Hi Arie-Jan,
Not sure if this could be a good alternative solution, but quite some DataMiner users have moved from a physical modem to an online service. This is the connector that can be used for that Catalog (dataminer.services)
This way you transfer messages via online platforms such as Get started with SMPP - GatewayAPI
I'm not very versed on this specific topic, and there might be other similar options. But I just wanted to gauge if this could potentially be something you would be interested in.

True, you need that internet connectivity.
BTW – for Teams, just in case you would not be aware, you can make your DataMiner System cloud connected and leverage the MS Teams integration which is available out of the box. And if offers also a lot of other great features. https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Cloud_Platform/TeamsBot/DataMiner_Teams_bot.html
Hi Arie-Jan,
Checking the catalog, I could not find any connector related to PepLink.
Looking trough our documentation to see if we can integrate this modem with the DataMiner Mobile Gateway, I noticed that this modem is not supported by the DataMiner Mobile Gateway (Approved modems for use with DataMiner Mobile Gateway)
It seems that this will be a new integration.
Hope it helps.
Ben ,
Thanks for your answer iam wel aware of these services but for that you need a working internet connection ,which use useually works 😉 if not then you get nothing .. we are also looking in to messeages forwarded to teams also you need internet but it is quit a strugle to install this foe now we are dead in the water …. i have plenty off modems here but none off them is supported