Hi everyone,
after I have connected my DMA with the cloud I was expecting to find the button "open cloud admin" on "System Center -> Cloud" but it is not showing.
Everything else seems to have worked just fine.
Just wanted to ask if that is to be expected and which way I can use now to access the cloud admin.
Thanks for your help.
Best regards

Yes, this is working. Thank you!

Hey Chris, the link in system center isn’t released yet. It is included in the 10.2.9 release which is scheduled for September 2nd.
Hi Christopher
In the meantime the 10.2.9 is released and i tested this out on my DMA and for me the link to the cloud admin in cube is now working
Can you confirm if this is also the case for you?
I can’t explain why the link isn’t showing (perhaps you’re running an older version), but I think you should be able to access the DCP admin pages on https://admin.dataminer.services/