We're experiencing an issue with some RHEL8 remote servers where console commands executed through ssh don't yield a response when connected from Dataminer. This is however not the case when we manually open an ssh connection via a terminal.
At this stage it is unclear whether the remote server is refusing to print outcome of commands into the stream or whether Dataminer is unable to read them.
Are there any reasons why this might occur?
Edit: Screenshot below demonstrating a command and its missing response.

Hi Miguel,
I can confirm that there are some overall responses received in the stream viewer and that the ssh connections are authenticated. In the response I can see the initial ssh handshake info printed by the remote server. I can also see the command itself printed into the stream, it is only the command responses that are not included.
This also happens when multiple commands are ran at the same time, the commands themselves appear in the response just not the responses.
Edit: Please refer to screenshot attached with the question description above.

I just also checked for SLSSH.txt and I could not find a file with that name under logging. We’re running on Dataminer

I found this file however there aren’t any errors related, are there any updates from your end?
Hey Reza,
i noticed this question is already open for a while now, do you still encounter this issue? If so i would suggest that a more in depth investigation should happen.
For more complex problems you can e-mail techsupport@skyline.be for looking into your issues.
Hi Reza,
To troubleshoot this issue, could you check:
– Using the stream viewer of the element running the SSH driver, could you confirm if the response for all the commands sent by the driver is ‘Timeout’?
– In the RHEL8 remote servers, have you spot any issues in the auth.log file? maybe a failed password? You could perform a grep to look for entries related to the sshd service, for example: grep ‘sshd’ /var/log/auth.log
– In the DMA, could you check the log file C:Skyline DataMinerloggingSLSSH.txt? Do you see errors in the log file related to SSH connection?