Should NATS configuration be part of the full backup?
The full backup is used for migrating DMAs to a new host.
Should the NATS configuration also be handled in the restore action?
It's been a while since I was involved, but if I remember correctly NATS is not part of the DataMiner backup because it should be completely managed by DataMiner. NATS is automatically installed and configured by DataMiner during startup, so after the backup restore it should get re-installed & configured automatically.

Backup restore should be covered by regression testing, I would suggest you contact Lab domain to check if NATS is covered.
I think there’s a problem in that case when the restore is done on a new host as part of a migration.
I had to uninstall and re-install NATS to get the DMA up and running again.
Luckily it was a standalone DMA.