I have a multi checkbox vertical control with a SubscriptionFilter like this.
SetVar GroupMultiCheckBox:[Param:*,3000]
SetVarOptions MultipleValueSep=;|Control=MultiCheckBoxVertical|SetColumn=3003|DisplayColumn=3001
SubscriptionFilter Value=3016==*[Var:SelectedChannelsGroup]*
User can manually select 'SelectedChannelsGroup' from a drop down which dynamically updates the list of checkboxes. However, when the filter gets updated, those checkboxes that are removed by updating the filter are still remained as ticked even if they are not displayed anymore.
Is there any way to update those checkboxes to 'Not Selected' whenever a new filter is applied? Ideally, I would like to bring the filtered items as 'Ticked' automatically and untick them when they are no longer displayed.
Many thanks for your help in advance.
Hi Paul,
Here is the documentation that describes how to use Multiple Checkbox Control Adding options to a session variable control | DataMiner Docs
You can explore if the options mentioned there help you achieve your purpose.
For example, If you want the checkboxes selected by default, use the SetVarOption "InitNewCheckBoxChecked".
To clear the previous selection, you may need to SetVar to empty value or the "EmptyValue" for your choice.
Hope the documentation helps you find the answer to your question.

The option should indeed work. Might be best to create a support ticket for this so we can investigate further.
Hi Miguel,
Thanks for your answer and the link which are both very helpful.
the ‘InitNewCheckBoxChecked’ option does seem to be what I need but it does not seem to be working for me.
This is my SetVarOptions:
Are you able to tell me what I’m doing wrong here? Thanks