What are the steps to migrate from local Cassandra databases (with failovers on some DMAs) to one Cassandra Cluster for all DMAs in the cluster?
Can the data be transfered easily?
Are there version requirements?
Hey Jeroen,
All the requirements can be found in this article. In the article you will also find a tool that takes care of the data migration for you, so this takes little effort
A step by step guide can be found in this help article.
Version wise, the functionality is available as soft launch from 10.0.13 onwards, and generally available from 10.1.2. For cassandra version 3.11.8 is required, an installer can be found here

Hi Jeroen,
The amount of nodes largely depends on how much data is being pushed through, a rough estimation can be calculated with this tool https://community.dataminer.services/calculator/?hilite=nodecalculator
As for setting up an external cluster I think you have to install this one manually, and then add the necessary fields in the db.xml but you might want to consult our Elastic Expert on this as I am not sure if this will migrate the necessary data.

The remote Elastic cluster can be setup with: https://community.dataminer.services/documentation/standalone-elasticsearch-cluster-installer/
Feel free to also take a look at: https://community.dataminer.services/documentation/elasticsearch-cluster-master-nodes/
And take a look at: https://community.dataminer.services/documentation/adding-an-elasticsearch-cluster-node/

Thanks Brent,
The page also mentiones we’ll need Elastic before this is possible.
This means we’ll need to set up an Elastic Search Cluster.
How many Elastic nodes would I need for a heavy system of 9 DMAs?
The page only refers to using Cube for setting up Elastic.
We’d like to set up a separaete Elastic cluster.
Would there also be guidelines in how to set this up and how to configure DataMiner to use this Elastic Search cluster?